It's not your fault...
Don't do this to me man!


You have reached this page because someone* thought it was a good idea to deeplink directly to the download (zip) of software that I wrote. I don't think this is a good idea.

If you are looking for AutoStakkert!2 software - the latest beta version - please go here. For the official AutoStakkert website, containing the latest stable versions, tutorials, and related news, please visit There is also an official AutoStakkert yahoo group that is very useful if you have any questions, but you can also contact me directly of course

Castrator, a tool for cropping planetary videos to uncompressed new videos, is no longer supported - as I'm too busy with AutoStakkert! - but the software can still be found here. If you are looking for a much more modern tool to pre-process planteary recordings, please also have a look at the Planetary Imaging PreProcessor software (PIPP) (external link)

Emil Kraaikamp

* if you have reached this page and you think you should be able to directly download whatever you were looking for, please do let me know!
AutoStakkert! is free for non-commercial use. Donations are of course appreciated, but certainly NOT required!