Jupiter and Ganymede

First remote observation using 1 meter Chilescope in.. eh.. Chile
The animation is in IR685. The seeing was mostly poor, but as usual the very last recording was the best and showed some nice details.
First remote observation using 1 meter Chilescope in.. eh.. Chile
The animation is in IR685. The seeing was mostly poor, but as usual the very last recording was the best and showed some nice details.
Imaged with the ASI224 and a ZWO methane filter. More images taken during this session should follow. The seeing wasn't very good unfortunately, but methane @ 889nm is relatively unaffected.
Jupiter under pretty good seeing conditions.
Lots of derotation of image stacks in WinJupos (and manual recombination of the best parts in Photoshop). It's nice to have good S/N to work with.
full resolution
Reasonable seeing for Jupiter.
And an anmiation in CH4 light using the ZWO CH4 filter. Unfortunately the seeing was much worse when I made recordings in CH4...
The little bright dot on the right is Europa.
Jupiter, with Europa and Io. Last time I had some troubles with the standard USB3 cable, but I replaced it with a high quality USB3 cable of 5m, and this seems to work very well!
Jupiter and Io under pretty good seeing conditions!
Lots of work to combine a couple of data sets without destroying the shadow...
I also processed a recording of Ganymede I made this same evening, along with a simulated view using the JPL Solar System Simulator
Animation in red light:
Hurray for good seeing!
There should be some more data sets here that were pretty good, but this RGB set was definitely one of the best of the evening. Transparancy was rather poor with high altitude clouds.
Oval BA is nicely visible here. I combined several datasets to get this image using WinJupos and some work in photoshop.
Imaged during 'ok' seeing conditions (6-7/10), but my best image this opposition, and actually imaged just 7 hours after opposition!
Very cool double transit of Io and Europa! Io is the pinkish dot (with darker poles) near the center of Jupiter (the shadow of Io to the left). Europa is at the right of Jupiter (shadow near the edge). Notice that the shadow of Europa is fuzier than the one of Io!
5/10 seeing .. or something like that