Search results on 'rgb' - image 51 to 60 (72) previous next


L: 500 frames 742nm IR pass (840k)
RGB: 500 frames UV/IR block filter

From left to right; Io and Jupiter

Jupiter was at 14 degrees altitude.

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


L: 500 frames 742nm IR pass (840k)
RGB: 500 frames UV/IR block filter (spc900nc)

From left to right; Europa, Io and Jupiter

Jupiter was at 14 degrees altitude.

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


L: 200 frames 742nm IR pass (840k)
RGB: 300 frames UV/IR block filter

From left to right; Jupiter and Io

Jupiter was at 14 degrees altitude.

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Also known as the "Ring Nebula". In this shot the nearby 'tiny' spiral galaxy IC 1296 is also visible.

L: 40x10 seconds (840k)
RGB: 58 x 5 seconds (spc900nc)

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Open cluster in Cygnus

L: 90 x 2s + 75 x 5s (840k)
RGB: 21 x 10s (spc900nc)

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Dumbbell Nebula
L: 67 x 10 seconds (840k)
RGB: 13 x 20 seconds (spc900nc)

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Globular Cluster

L: 30 x 5 s (840k)
RGB: 30 x 5 s (spc900nc)

The image has been slightly resized to 90%.

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10

NGC 6826

A tiny planetary nebula

L: 50 x 1s (840k)
RGB: 20 x 5s (spc900nc)

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10


Black Eye Galaxy

L: 19 x 20 seconds + 31 x 10 seconds (840k)
RGB: 58 x 20 seconds (spc900nc, focal reducer used, April 8 2008)

The colour information did not contain a lot of details. A slight red colour was clearly visible though.

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10

NGC 6946

L: 60 x 20s (840k)
RGB: 8 x 30s (spc900nc)

equipment used
Philips SPC900NC webcam - SC1
Philips Toucam Pro II (840k) webcam - SC1.5 with b/w ICX098BL-E ccd
Meade Starfinder 10
Search results on 'rgb' - image 51 to 60 (72) previous next